The Tone of Post-Modernism

Time and again we’ve discussed the efficacy of Post-Modernism, whether in our own lives or the texts that we’ve read throughout the block, and with Housekeeping, this question was briefly brought up, but I’m particular curious of everyone’s opinion in regards to the time of Post-Modern theory.

Is it a particularly depressing ideal system considering how it totes a belief that there may not me any absolute truth or meaning to be gleaned from the things we read and see in our daily lives?  Is it something we could look upon happily since it also seems to desire some amount of equality between the people of this Earth, attempting to remove the boundaries that exist between race, sex, and nationality?  Or should we look at like we do most things in life–as in that some things are good and others bad–that there is a give and take that might ultimately balance it all out?

Personally, I am of the opinion that, though it may occasionally bear some negative connotations, the message of Post-Modernism is a good one, a tad naive, but good.  In the removal of boundaries  there is a chance of evolution and improvement upon humanity as a whole as we remove what separates us as a people born of the same Earth.  With some sort of real peace between man, I can only imagine what kind of technological and personal discoveries could be made.  Like I said, the ideal may be naive, but it is a good one I can at least have some hope in.

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